Welcome to the Turtle Club

Every month, you can be a conservation champion for sea turtles around the world.

Join the Turtle Club and be a force for sea turtle conservation worldwide.

Your monthly gift fuels vital programs,from fighting plastic pollution to supporting nesting beaches. Plus, enjoy exclusive perks and updates on how your contribution makes a difference.

Together, we’re saving turtles and empowering communities.

Join now to protect our oceans’ treasures and unlock your membership benefits.
r oceans' treasures and unlock your membership benefits!

Your Monthly Gift Makes a Big Difference in Saving Sea Turtles and the Communities They Call Home.


Saves 100 baby sea turtles per month


Protects a nest of baby sea turtles every month


Removes 200lbs of plastic from a beach


Creates a job for a sea turtle guardian for a season.

Turtle Club Benefits:

  • Membership in a supporting community aiding SEE Turtles’ global conservation efforts

  • Enjoy up to $100 off our Sea Turtle Conservation Trips

  • Get 20% off all items in our online store

  • Receive exclusive discounts from our eco-friendly partners

  • Get a set of sea turtle postcards & stickers after the first donation, plus chances to win exclusive giveaways and other promotions